St. Anne's Junior Coaching Academy
Our Head PGA Professional William Noble's main goal is to deliver a coaching programme to develop young golfers performance in a fun and structured environment
Main Goals
* Develop good fundamentals of the game (Aim,Grip,Posture and good swing
* Create fun games to develop areas of golf from long-short game to scoring.
* Create games to learn how to practice.
* Develop friendships.
* Training programme will involve 50% junior club competitions.
* Become an active member of St. Anne's golf club.
* Create future St. Anne's team representatives at junior and adult level.
* Weekly coaching programme all year round for St. Anne's junior members.
* Weekly coaching programme for more experienced and older juniors playing St.
Anne's members.
* Weekly competitions for all levels of junior St. Anne's members.
* Seasonal junior camps, for visitors and St. Anne's members