Course Open (updated 06 February at 09:12)
Centenary Gallery



  St Anne's Golf Club


The North Dublin Golf Club Captains Association 1969 - 2018 Golden Jubilee Captain's Day St. Anne's Golf Club 25th May 2018, St. Anne's Golf Club Captains L-R : Barry Walsh 1981,Harry Skelton 1990, Seamus Laffan 2010, John Dillon 1999, Robert Lawless !993, Alf Girvin 2002, Damien Murran 2012, John O'Connor 2004, Brendan McKeon 1983, Eddie Lawless 1984, Cormac Cronin 1996, Henry Wildgust 2018, Shay McGrath 2008, John Smyth 2015, Eamon Weir 2013, David MacNiece 2005, Pearse Farrell 2007 The North Dublin Golf Club Captains Association 1969 - 2018 Golden Jubilee Captain's Day St. Anne's Golf Club 25th May 2018



Captains Drive In 2021

             Installation of Centenary Stone 04/12/2020

Captains Drive In 2021 

Inauguration Day 1st July 2021

    President Therese, Captain Leo "George" and Lady Captain Julie lay a wreath on first Captain Marmaduke Devitt's grave, paying respect to his drive-in 100 years ago on July 1st 1921.                                  


                                                                                                                   Centenary ambassadors Harry Skelton and Eithne Hayes enjoy the vintage sweet cart on the 1st tee


Centenary Chair Audrey Headon and Sheila O'Sullivan ready to present each member with a copy of the fabulous Centenary Book at the 18th - showcasing the rich 100-year history of St. Anne's to date


                                                                                                     Brendan Plunkett looking the part with the fantastic vintage bicycle he restored!


(L-R) Juvenile Captains Daniel Murray and Emma Mac Hugh, Captains Leo "George" Devitt and Julie Merrey, Centenary Ambassadors Harry Skelton and Eithne Hayes and President Therese McCormack ready for the day

Our new Centenary Clock has been made possible through the generosity of our dear departed member Mary Rose O’Flaherty and funds raised from The Joker.